Project Testimonials

As part of the activities to promote the Dissemination of ERA-MIN projects, project coordinators are asked to prepare project testimonials. The full YouTube playlist can be found in the following link.


Call 2021

EU Co-funded ERA-MIN Joint Call 2021 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 15th of January 2021, counted with the participation of 24 funding organizations with a total budget of €19.5 million. The Call 2021 was focused on needs-driven research addressing three segments of non-fuel, non-food raw materials: metallic materials; construction materials; industrial minerals, with a circular economy approach. The five main topics of the call were based on the challenges and priorities identified in the ERA-MIN Research Agenda covering both primary and secondary resources and substitution of Critical Raw Materials. Information on the 22 transnational R&I projects funded, including the list of funded projects, call statistics and their publishable abstracts are available at:

As some basic statistic for the pre-proposal phase: 146 pre-proposals were submitted by deadline and 892 applicants have participated in the call (of which 32% are companies), requesting funding to the 24 participating countries/regions of the call. The total costs of proposals ascend to €150 Million, of which €116 Million correspond to the total requested funding and €34 Million correspond to the total own contribution. Moreover, 11 applicants not requesting funding are from other countries, namely, Alberta province in Canada, Austria, Brazil, Greece, Morocco, Norway, UK, USA and Peru. In terms of the main topics addressed in pre-proposals, all 5 main topics have selected, and the distribution is the following: 19 (Topic 1), 27 (Topic 2), 31 (Topic 3), 64 (Topic 4) and 5 (Topic 5).

Information on the results of the pre-proposal submission process can be found in the following infographic:

As some basic statistic for the full proposal phase: 45 full proposals were submitted by deadline and 284 applicants have participated in the second-phase of the call (of which 35% are companies and 29 are Associated partners not requesting funding). The total costs of proposals ascend to €51 Million, of which €37 Million correspond to the total requested funding and €14 Million correspond to the total own contribution. Moreover, 6 applicants not requesting funding are from other countries, namely, Brazil, Morocco, Peru , Switzerland, UK and USA. The 5 main topics have been addressed in the submitted full proposals, with the following distribution: 3 (Topic 1), 9 (Topic 2), 9 (Topic 3), 23 (Topic 4) and 1 (Topic 5).

Information on the results of the full proposal submission process can be found in the following infographic:


Call 2019

ERA-MIN Joint Call 2019 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 15th of November 2019, counted with the participation of 19 funding organisations with a total budget of €10.3 million. The Call 2019 was focused on needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials (metallic, construction and industrial minerals), with a circular economy approach. The five main topics of the call were based on the challenges and priorities identified in the ERA-MIN Research Agenda covering both primary and secondary resources and substitution of Critical Raw Materials.

Information on the 12 transnational R&I projects funded and its public abstracts can be found in the following documents:


Call 2018

ERA-MIN Joint Call 2018 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 31st October 2018, was focused on needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials addressing one or several areas of the circular economy. 12 transnational projects were selected and recommended for funding out of 51 submitted proposals. These projects involve a total of 61 organisations of which 17 are enterprises (28%). The total allocated public funding is €8.8 million and the total projects’ costs are €12.7 million.The list of funded projects, call statistics and their publishable abstracts are available at:


Call 2017

ERA-MIN Joint Call 2017 on Raw materials for sustainable development and the circular economy, launched on 1st February 2017, was focused on needs-driven research on non-energy, non-agricultural raw materials addressing one or several areas of the circular economy. 16 top-ranked proposals are recommended for funding by the Call Steering Committee (CSC), requesting a total of 12.3 million € of public funds and with total costs of 16 million €. The list of funded projects under this call and the project catalogue are available at:


Calls 2013, 2014 and 2015

Previously, three Joint Transnational Calls (JTC) were launched under ERA-NET ERA-MIN. A total of 17 projects were funded under these three JTC. The following three tables collect an overview of the funded projects in each JTC, including the project acronym and title, the sub-topic areas covered by the project, the consortium partners, the duration, the total costs and the funding granted.

The ERA-MIN Project Catalogue (updated on 20 March 2020) includes information about the transnational projects funded by the national funding agencies under the three ERA-MIN joint calls. It can also be viewed on YouTube.


Results of projects funded under calls 2013, 2014 and 2015